Peaceful Pregnancy

Peaceful Pregnancy

Mindfulness Meditation for a calm, conscious connection to your baby

Pregnancy can be a time of great excitement but also of anxiety and stress. As a retired midwife, I understand the challenges that some pregnant women may face, and one way to bring calm to this time is through meditation. The benefits of meditation are numerous and well documented, from reducing stress and anxiety to improving sleep and overall well-being.

As a way to support expecting mothers, meditation classes can be a valuable tool for both Mama and her bubba. By focusing on the connection between mother and baby, these classes can help foster a deeper bond, creating a sense of calm and positivity that can carry through to birth day and beyond.

So to all the expecting mothers out there, know that you are not alone in your journey. There are resources available, like our Peaceful Pregnancy meditation classes, that can help support you and your baby during this special time. Remember to take care of yourself, trust your instincts, and enjoy the incredible journey of pregnancy and motherhood.

Peaceful Pregnancy Meditation classes


Classes are held at 9.30am the first Saturday morning every month.


Classes are held at 15 Tara St Innes Park.

Contact Ramona

You can call Ramona to book on 0400 709 069

“Giving birth and being born brings us into the essence of creation, where the human spirit is courageous and bold and the body, a miracle of wisdom.”

Join us

Our peaceful pregnancy meditation classes brings focus to connecting the mind, body, and spirit during this special time. We begin each session by bringing our attention to the breath, mindfully inhaling trust and exhaling fear. From there, we send connection, care, and love from the heart space to the womb space and to the tiny growing human within. We also direct our awareness to the physical, emotional, and spiritual connection between mother and baby, knowing that we are all united through the pulsing umbilical cord, our hearts, and our souls.

Join us in cultivating a serene and nurturing environment for you and your growing baby.

Join us at Tara Labyrinth